Participative Democracy is encouraged through the PAJA – the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act and enshrined in our Constitution.
Every decision the government make must be published in the Government Gazette and must include evidence of public participation. If the public do not participate by objecting or agreeing, their non-participation is deemed as a non-objection, a tacit agreement.
What we run on our websites are not petitions but rather PPP – Public Participation Processes – as laid out in the PAJA act.
Whereas petitions, even if they have millions of signatures, are considered as a single objection, a PPP done through our interface ensures each comment is considered individually.
Each comment from a PPP on any of our websites is immediately sent as a unique email to the relevant government representative designated to a project.
We then keep an accurate record of submissions sent so government cannot deny facts and figures. In certain instances we will also provide government with printed evidence of each comment made as well as a collated summary.
These comments then form the basis of an essential and legal framework enshrined in our Constitution and forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise.
We do not sell your info on to anyone and we do not charge for what we do. We are not affiliated to any government organisation and are funded out of our own pockets or by anyone who cares.
Be an Active Citizen, participate and take control of your democracy.